Selecting cells with common background color ?

Imagine a spreadsheet with a max. of 31 rows and 10 columns. a row could have upto nine cells in the row with the same background color, but doesn’t have any colored cells. A column could have anywhere between zero and thirty-one cells colored. Is it possible to select and then sum the total of the selected cells content, if so, how ?

Thanks, any suggestions to get my brian wheels spinning greatly appreciated.


I’m not sure I understand the question, but setting cell background or font colors doesn’t change the way their sum is calculated. If you select a given range, the respective sum is already displayed on the table toolbar automatically.
Otherwise entering any of the summing formula will do. To obtain both the total and partial sums of columns and rows you can e.g. select the range (plus one empty row below and empty column to the left) and use the “Sigma > Insert Sum” toolbar button command.

Basically it is a selection question rather than an addition one.

Perhaps if I explain why I’m trying to do what I want to do, either it will become crystal clear or someone can suggest a method that gives the same results.

I want to view the 310 (10x31 max) grid and see which days have got a colored background (but could also be bold/italic font), and then total the values in the highlighted cells.

·· A B C D

  1.  3.5     **15**       22       1
  2.  6        7        21        9
  3. **5**       11       **14**        2

4( 7 12 28 5

So selecting A1:D4 gives a sum of emboldened cells of 46. So what’s needed is some way of visually selecting/high-lighting a sub-set of the cells and then adding the values up.

In the days of paper floppies (5¼") Borland had something that could do this type of operation - Would I be better trying GS-Base ?



If you mean a summing function that could filter/access cell background/font, it’ s not possible. You need to write a script that will perform such searching and summing.

If you mean adding references to the edited cell, you can simply click desirable cells when editing that summing formula.
If your question concerns locating some formatting attributes within a large area, you can also use the “Format > Style Palette > Find” command.

If you mean a summing function that could filter/access cell background/font, it’ s not possible. You need to write a script that will perform such searching and summing.

That was indeed what I was looking for.

Time to polish up my script writing.

Thanks for your help
