GS-Calc Issues | not responding \ character limit

While exploring GS-Calc I had a few issues:

  1. There is a 255 character limit per cell and that was truncated, can that be fixed?
    (see screenshot)
  2. working on a 1.8 million rows / 106 columns (3GB file size) two operations rendered the app unusable.
    a. find and replace would freeze the app which may unfreeze after a while
    b. copy pasting a column crashes the app completely.

Is there anything that can be done with that?
This has been done on the very latest version of the app (downloaded and tested last week.



**> 1. There is a 255 character limit per cell and that was truncated, can that be fixed?

(see screenshot)**

It’s always been 1024 max characters in a cell, not 255. If your (text/database?) file includes text
strings longer than 1024 characters you can use GS-Base. It’s 8K per cell/field and for delimited text
files you can specify values from a given column to be read at once as LongText fields with a 4GB limit per one “cell”.

> a. find and replace would freeze the app which may unfreeze after a while

Some complex Find and Replace actions can take a moment if it’s a 3GB file (and if you execute
this for the entire worksheet). If the control was restored, it seems there is nothing to fix.

> b. copy pasting a column crashes the app completely.

I just performed several times the actions you described with a worksheet with around 3.5 million rows,
100 to 140 columns and several GB of data (in a system with 16GB RAM). Copying and pasting work without any problems.
Can you duplicate this with an open task manager to verify the memory usage?
I assume you mean the 64-bit version and you have at least 8-16GB of RAM?
It would be helpful if you could create a video capture showing how exactly you’re performing this.

Perhaps you mean 30GB? Regarding the existing limitations, actually there is a limit
of around 32GB per one worksheet (and no limits for the entire workbook). It’s just
a compilation constant and it can be freely increased, though it seemed irrelevant as
no one has asked about it and probably no one has used that amount of data
in one worksheet so far (which would translate to up to 1.5-2 billion of cells max).

Again, in GS-Base which uses up to 256 million rows this single-table size limit has been removed.

Thanks for the answer,
At the moment, it’s less efficient for me to invest time on this.
so this request can be closed\archived.

Thank you and sorry for the late response.


If anyone reading this thread come across something like the above (in general, any crashing in any situation resulting from a bug), any details will be appreciated.
Free GS-Calc registration in exchange (or 50%off for the GS-Calc+GS-Base combo).

Update Jan-16, 2024
The ver. 20.4.1 increases the amount of data that a single worksheet can hold (from around 30GB) to around 500GB per worksheet.