GS-Calc 8.4.0 has been released

New features and changes:

[+] Updating formulas in background processes (not blocking any other GS-Calc functions; for details please see the context help in the “Settings > Options” dialog).

[+] Several new commands: the “Paste Text” command preserving formatting, a group of “Copy Values” commands, a group of “Insert Columns/Rows” command for inserting columns and rows with various options.

[+] Additional diagnostic/warning messages after inserting/deleting columns/rows and pasting cells that result in invalid references in formulas.

[+] Faster saving certain types of very large files.

[+] More alignment options and cell text overflow options.

[+] Improved cell borders rendering (they are now sorted by both thickness and color before rendering).

[+] Additional minimal border thickness for better printing and saving to PDF.

[+] Minor bug fixes.