GS-Calc 20.7 has been released.

New features in GS-Calc 20.7:

  • New functions:

    playSoundIf(path, type, if_condition, loops, volume)

    Plays mp3 and wav files. The parameters are as follows:

    Specifies the path of the file to play; if ‘type’ is 1, ‘path’ is assumed to be an external disk file, for example:
    If ‘type’ is 0, ‘path_true’ and ‘path_false’ are assumed to be names of files (in the current workbook) inserted with the ‘Insert > Image’ command, for example:

    Determines how to interpret the ‘path’ parameters as explained above.

    A given file is played only if the ‘if_condition’ evaluates to a non-zero value.

    Specifies the number of times a given file is to be played in a loop;
    if it’s -1, it’ll be played in an endless loop.

    Specifies the volume for the played *.mp3 file. This can be a value from 0 to 1000.

    Music files are played immediately after all the formulas are evaluated/updated
    and the updating process is completed. Thus you can use such a function with ‘if_condition’ set to a fixed value of 1 to signal the end of updating.

    If there are multiple files to play, there are played one after another.
    To stop playing, simply press ESC or use the ‘Tools > Cancel Update’ command (even though updating at this point updating is already successfully completed.

    playSoundIf(“e:\music_file1.mp3”, 1, true, 1, 40)
    playSoundIf(“folder1\music_file1.mp3”, 0, true, 100, 80)

    messageIf(message, type, if_condition, reference-as-text)

    Displays a message box with the specified ‘message’, the ‘OK’ and ‘Cancel’ buttons.

    Any text to display.

    1 - a message box with ‘information’ icon;
    2 - a message box with the warning icon;
    3 - the question icon;

    A given message is played only if ‘if_condition’ evaluates to a non-zero value.

    reference (as text):
    A text string representing an optional cell/range reference with a full worksheet path; if the parameter is not empty and if you click the ‘OK’ button in the displayed message box, GS-Calc will jump/scroll to the specified cell/range.

    Messages are displayed immediately after all the formulas are evaluated/updated and the updating process is completed.
    Thus you can use such a function with ‘if_condition’ set to a fixed value of 1 to signal the end of updating.

    messageIf(“need to inspect this cell”, 1, isError(folder2\sheet2!P251), “folder2\sheet2!P251”)
    messageIf(“need to inspect this cells”, 1, isError(S120), “S121:S200”)

    imageIf(if_condition, path_true, path_false, type)

    Displays the specified image in a cell (overflowing the cell boundaries if necessary). The parameters are as follows:

    If ‘if_condition’ evaluates to a non-zero value, the ‘path_true’ image is displayed, otherwise the ‘path_false’.

    path_true / path_false:
    Specify the image file paths. If ‘type’ is 1, ‘path_true’ and ‘path_false’ are assumed to be external disk files, for example:
    If ‘type’ is 0, ‘path_true’ and ‘path_false’ are assumed to be full worksheet paths (in the current workbook) of files inserted with the ‘Insert > File’ command, for example:

    Determines how to interpret the ‘path_true’ and ‘path_false’ parameters as explained above.

    Images are displayed/re-drawn immediately after all the formulas are evaluated/updated and the updating process is completed.

    imageIf(P251 > 0, “e:\image_file1.png”, “e:\image_file2.png”, 1)
    imageIf(S10:S120 = 0, “folder1\music_file1.jpg”, “image_file2.gif”, 0)

  • If you use the sumIf() or countIf() functions for large data sets, by default they will now use fast binary searching for ranges specified as columns that include at least 16384 rows. For such ranges the functions will behave VLOOKUP/MATCH functions in the binary fast mode. You can change that row limit in the saved settings.xml configuration file modifying the if-calc-threshold value. If you set some value larger than the maximum number of rows, it'll effectively turn off fast binary searching for these two functions. The typical location of this file is: C:\Users\your-name\AppData\Local\GS-Calc If you choose a portable setup, the file will be in the folder you specify as the target setup folder for all files.
  • A number of help sections have been updated or added:

    Entering formulas: Entering formulas
    Solver functions: Solver functions
    Ensuring high performance: Ensuring high performance
    Opening and saving files: Text files: Text files
    Output functions: Output functions

GS-Calc 20.7.1 - update - 10-06-2024

The current version GS-Calc 20.7.1 is a minor maintenance update mainly improving the following:

  • Moving/scrolling the selection (selected cell) without scrolling the entire screen is several times faster now (e.g. 15 times faster for screens with more complex formatting).

  • When displaying two or more synchronized table views, using the mouse wheel to scroll one will also scroll the remaining ones. (Previously only the cursor keys caused synch. scrolling.)