GS-Calc 16 has been released

Changes in this version:

  • Parts of the toolbars have been modified and several new commands have been added.

  • The “->” button near the “Location” toolbar edit field now switches (in a cyclic manner) between three modes of displaying the references: plain ranges, ranges with worksheet names and full names including the file paths.
  • The “Bookmark” toolbar combo box has been removed. The three newly added “Bookmark” buttons are: “* - Add bookmark”, “<* - Go to the previous bookmark” and “*> - Go to the next bookmark”. Bookmark names are no longer used and to add a bookmark, a single click is sufficient. Bookmarks are now stored separately for each workbook.
  • The “Formula” toolbar combo box has been replaced by a new edit field (supporting syntax highlighting). Cell formulas are no longer displayed automatically in that edit field - you need to click the “Sigma” button to “load” them. Thanks to this it should be easier to create compound and e.g. similar formulas in multiple cells. The new “+” button adds data entered in the “Location” edit field described above.
  • The “Formula Composer” dialog has been removed. The new dialog box is simply called “List of formulas” and it’s attached to the cell edit field and to the toolbar “Formula” edit field (where it’s activated by clicking that field):

You can specify how the list should be displayed:

The “List Of Formulas” dialog box updates the selected formula name
automatically as you write (updates/searches are triggered by
entering the opening “(” in the function names):

If a given name is incorrect, the “List Of Formulas” dialog box display

Pressing “Enter” or double-clicking copies the selected function name
and replaces the previous one.

  • The bottom pane previously occupied by the “Inspect cells” view now contains a tabbed set of views:
    • Inspect Formula
    • Named Ranges
    • Bookmarks
    • Notes
    • Search Results
      The “Notes” edit field now features line numbering and more consistent editing without the former formatting (font sizes and colors) options.

The “Search Results” view contains cells found after choosing the new “Find All” command on the “Find And Replace” toolbar.
This command searches either the entire worksheet or the current selection for cells matching either the specified “Find” filter (typically, a regular expression) or any of the other criteria, including searching for duplicates in rows:

  • Help updates.

November 17 - 16.0.1 Update

  • The workbook update/recalculation speed has been increased. For most workbooks the speed gain should fall into the 25% - 40% range. For workbooks containing very long formulas with single cell references this percentage can be significantly higher.
  • Faster opening ODF files containing large numbers of cell styles. The average improvement should be between 15% and 30% and will be even more significant for very large *.ods files which additionally contain some extremely large numbers of cell styles.
  • Faster sorting.
  • Added resizable “File Open/Save” dialog boxes.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed issue concerning named ranges.
  • Fixed bug concerning saving Open Document *.ods files with formulas containing “nearly” the maximum (1024) number of characters.
  • Worksheet names starting with the “True” or “False” string were not recognized in formulas correctly.
  • Corrected descriptions of the minMC(), minSimplex() and mtxSVD() functions. (Missing some useful information, switched values of a parameter in one case.)