Changes in this version:
- Full Unicode support (entering any characters using a few methods).
- A new “Chart” dialog box with easier access to all the chart data; multiline titles and subtitles; user-defined (grid-) x-lines and y-lines; textual cues/tips in edit fields; disabling 3d or 2d non-applicable to the currently edited chart type.
- Chart templates. Creating a complete chart with all data settings, formatting options, styles and sizes using a single click.
- More flexible and complete options to select automatically the initial data series, series names and categories / x-domain values.
- For non-XY charts, the default legend symbol is automatically set to the largest rectangle symbol. (Previously it was the medium one, which required editing the “Series Style” tab.). Legend symbols can still be freely changed on the “Series Style” tab.
- Similarly to printing a given selected chart on the whole single page or printing a cell range, the corresponding PDF saving functionality was added to “Edit” menu as the “Copy As PDF To…”. (Side by side with the “Save Page” command in the “Print Preview” mode.)
- The “Copy” and “Paste” commands copy and paste the Unicode UTF-16 text to the Clipboard and use the default quoting mechanism to include multiline text etc. (whereas previously used UTF8 might cause various problems when exchanging data with other applications, especially when pasting multiline text, including not responding).
- The “Transpose” and “Reverse Columns/Rows” commands have been explicitly added to the “Edit” menu (instead of the previously used “Copy” command variants).
- The “Open File”/“Save File” dialog boxes include additional options to handle different text code pages.
- The “Edit” menu has been reorganized to include a few new commands: “Copy With Options” (which offers the same options as the “Save Text File” dialog box), “Paste With Options” (which offers the same options as the “Open Text File” dialog box), “Paste Image” (which explicitly pastes an image from the Clipboard; when using the plain “Paste” the text format has always precedence over other available data formats), “Merge Cells” (which merges cell contents from subsequent columns using a given separator), "Split Cells (which splits cell contents to subsequent columns using a given separator).
- Aside from the text/cell data, the “Copy” command now also automatically makes available (upon request) the corresponding picture representation of the copied data.
- The “Sort” dialog box now includes 10 sort keys.
- Added/modified options in the “Sort” dialog box. Saving recently used sorting options to the settings file.
- When editing cells GS-Calc optionally uses the default system spell checker in Windows 8.x/10.
- The cell protection is now also active when explicitly deleting cells. (Previously it was activated only when the deletion resulted from any other actions.)
- All the user-defined data styles are now added to the toolbar drop down list of styles.
- The top edit fields in the “Statistics” dialog are now inactive till the corresponding check boxes are selected (to avoid situations where forgetting to select that check box resulted in not saving the specified range parameters).
- Optionally using extended formatting toolbar buttons states (checked/unchecked/undetermined), which provides more information about the formatting of a given range but results in slower selecting. (Previously only binary states was supported and only the top-left cell was checked.)
- New options in the “Options” dialog box.
- The “Preview” window in the “Background Image” dialog box is now updated to reflect the currently specified image formatting options.
- The ::NoPattern and ::StringSort flags used in MATCH(), V-/HLOOKUP and PIVOTDATA() functions are no longer required/used (and documented) as using no simple wildcard patterns and ignoring punctuation are now the default state. To (still) use them, turn on the respective option in the “Legacy Compatibility” dialog box. (Users are encouraged to use the regular expressions instead.) Additionally, the following search/sort flags have been added: ::IgnorePunctuation ::Pattern and ::NeutralSortOrder (using system-language independent “character” sort order).
- A number of various cosmetic changes/improvements.
- Bug fixes.
January 31 - 14.1.2 Update
- The “Edit > Increment/Decrement” commands can now be customized. This feature will allow you to modify any numeric or text data easily and quickly without entering any additional formulas in a given worksheet. Additionally, the results can be automatically rounded (both to the left and right of the decimal point).
- The “Formula Composer > Insert (…)” buttons and the “Formula” toolbar combo box can now be used to insert series of formulas in which cell references are automatically modified (as when copying/pasting formulas). Previously the whole selected range was filled with the same formula.