Changes and bug fixes:
During the installation GS-Calc incorrectly/unnecessary caused Windows 7/8.x to ask for permission elevation even though GS-Calc doesn’t perform any action requiring administrator permissions.
Under certain circumstances subsequent setting, adding and deleting cell background images could cause crashing or could cause displaying a write error when using the binary *.gsc format.
The height of edit controls in dialog boxes has been increased to align the attached “up-down” controls in Windows 7/8.x better.
Fixed bug that occurs when opening a text file which contains such quoted cells that there are leading and/or trailing spaces respectively between the opening quotation mark and the previous cell separator symbol and between the closing quotation mark and the next cell separator symbol.
Fixed bug that occurs when the last cell of a given imported text file is quoted. In such a case that cell was displayed in GS-Calc along with the quotation marks.
The option of importing “escaped” character in text files has been added. The escape symbol can be specified in the “Open Text File” dialog box.
The corresponding uninstall section for GS-Calc in the “Control Panel” now contains more detailed information about GS-Calc.
The setup was partially modified which includes removing the the *.gsc file type registration and COM registration from the setup options. These optional Windows registry modifications are now performed via the “Settings > Register (…)” commands when GS-Calc is launched with administrator permissions.
22 November - 11.4.1 Update
The following bugs have been fixed in this update:
The “display factor” option for the “general” and “currency” data styles is ignored when it’s used to format chart axis labels.
Handling user-defined data styles has been improved.
29 November - 11.4.2 Update
The following bug has been fixed in this update:
- If the selected chart data and options result in displaying over 65,536 gridlines or axis “ticks” for one data series / chart axis, GS-Calc will freeze for some longer time and eventually will run out of memory.