New features and changes:
Increased maximum memory usage up to 4GB in 64bit systems (which is the maximum value for a 32bit application; the previous limit was 2GB for both 32- and 64-bit systems).
Displaying open/save progress dialog boxes for all available file formats when saving/opening files.
Support for UTF-16 Unicode text files.
Significantly reduced memory usage when loading text files.
New “Edit > Paste As Text” command causing inserting all cells as text.
New “Parse Dates in formatted cells only” setting in the “Options” dialog box (causing converting of the entered date/time strings to date/time serial numbers only in cells that are formatted as date/time).
New “Open Text File” dialog box showing file data sample and the list of recently used fixed column widths.
Removing trailing spaces in the “fixed column width” text files.
Saving more parameters (including all recently used settings from the “Open Text File” and “Save Text File” dialog boxes) to the profile/settings file.
Significantly reduced memory usage when inserting and deleting columns and rows.
Significantly increased speed of inserting and deleting columns and rows for very large files.
Automatic undo buffer freeing/resetting when performing some editing action and the “out-of-memory” state is encountered.
Increased GS-Calc “responsiveness” when editing cells in very large files. (Editing with Auto-update “on” and “off” should now look more or less the same.)
Layout changes in the “Options” dialog box.
Bug fixes and other minor changes.
28 June - GS-Calc 11.1.2 Update:
The following bug has been fixed in this update:
- If the “Format Cell” dialog box is displayed, some problems with capturing the mouse cursor might occur which eventually results in problems with selecting a range of cells using the left mouse button.
7 July - GS-Calc 11.1.3 Update:
The following bugs have been fixed in this update:
Fixed bug that might cause crashing after the “Undo” command applied after the “Paste” action where the source block “overflowed” the max. worksheet dimensions.
Improved/corrected fraction style formatting. Previously the displayed fractional representations of numbers might not be rounded optimally when using the “fixed number of denominator digit” mode.
Fixed bug concerning the “?” spacing mask when using custom number styles. In some cases it might not cause removing the “non-meaningful” zeroes as expected (which resulted, for example, in displaying both the dash “-” and “0” for zero values formatted using the “Accounting” style).
Reduced flickering in the “Cell Format” dialog box when scrolling/selecting cells.
Updating scroll bar positions after Undo.
Improved selecting columns/rows. (Previously if the dragged mouse cursor was moved outside the window when selecting column/row headers, the selection wasn’t updated until the cursor was placed back inside the main window.)