GS-Base 19.5 has been released

New features in GS-Base 19.4:

  • Using regular expressions as the field validation patterns.
    You can now specify both calculation formulas and regular
    expressions patterns in the “Field Setup > Validation” field.
    GS-Base will verify whether the data entered in a given field match
    exactly such patterns.
    Validation regex can be often much simpler than the corresponding
    formula for example, to allow entering only phone numbers
    (like: 123-45-678), you can use:


For a field with country codes: [A-Za-z]{3}

This validation method is also used commonly for HTML forms online
and you can copy any existing web validation regular expressions
to GS-Base.

  • Using regular expressions as the field conversion patterns.
    To automatically convert the entered data, GS-Base can use
    the standard regular expressions. Again, it can vastly simplify
    such conversions performed previously by the use of formulas.
    To specify regex for the data conversion you need to enter two
    expressions separated by a comma. Such regular expression pairs
    are the exact counterparts of the find-and-replace expressions
    described in details in the “Full Text Searches and Replacing”
    manual/help topic.

\s+,- replaces multiple spaces between words with -

(\b\w)(\w*(\W+|\z)),\1 creates abbreviations consisting of first letters of words

(\b\w(\d*))(\w*(\W+|\z)),\1 creates abbreviations consisting of first letters of words, leaves full numbers

  • To resize multiple columns or rows by dragging the header splitter
    line, you can now select a range of cells and all columns or rows
    within that range will be automatically resized as well.
  • A bug fix: if a given table field contained multiline text with newline
    \n or \r characters and the “Allow empty matches” option was turned on,
    applying the regular expression Find-And-Replace (also via scripts) function
    can “freeze” GS-Base.