Changes in this version:
- Dual database views enabling you to edit/view two tables independently.
Sample screenshots: - Displaying the one-to-many relation between two tables in dual views.
- Splitting views using a mouse (instead of the “Split” commands used previously).
- Text wrapping in forms can be optionally turned off.
- Search keys can be easily updated/edited and sorted.
- The “Sort” button automatically switches between the three states: “ascending”, “descending” and “no sorting”.
- Corrections in the cross-table formula descriptions.
- The database explorer pane width doesn’t change when resizing the main window.
ver. 16.1.2 - 11/9/2018
- A fixed problem with using TAB when editing plain text fields.
- Added missing prompt/help status line messages explaining how the Edit > [Operations | Increment | Decrement] commands can be used.
ver. 16.1.5 - 30/03/2019
- A maintenance update and a bug fix.