GS-Base 15.7.1 has been released.

Changes in this version:

  • The number of max. used (when filtering, updating, using pivot table percentile functions) processor cores is 100.
  • Percentile functions have been added to pivot tables.
  • Updating (F9) records or performing actions resulting in auto-updating more than 65535 calculated fields causes displaying the “Update Progress” dialog box.
  • Added syntax highlighting for the “Formula” field in the “Search” dialog box.
  • When editing filtering expressions or formulas in the “Field Setup” dialog box, one can now use a list/tree of database tables and fields to insert a given field name quickly.
  • Formulas can be now entered directly in table/form fields. (To enter text strings starting with “=”, enter two leading “=”).

Other improvements and bug fixes:

  • A fixed problem concerning crashing when merging a text file, if a given text file contained unrecognized field names.
  • The vlookup_ex() functions is significantly faster now.
  • A fixed problem with the vlookup_ex() formula entered in the “Field Setup” and/or “Search” dialog boxes. If the searched/source table was very large (e.g. million(s) of records) the formula syntax checking (performed after clicking OK in those dialog boxes) is extremely slow (which looks like “freezing”).
  • A fixed problem with using multi-monitor configurations, where some dialog box might be incorrectly displayed on the wrong monitor.
  • Under certain circumstances actions updating fields other than “F9 - Update” could result in updating only a portion of the record set (which required the full update (F9) later).
  • The “Paste” action/command in GS-Base was extremely slow for very large data blocks. It should be much faster now.
  • A fixed problem concerning very slow text-to-number field conversion (that is, when changing the field type in very large databases).