GS-Base 14.8 has been released.

Changes in this version:

  • The maximum number of records can be now set dynamically to a value between 64 K (65,536) and 256 M (268,435,456). This value determines the initial (per application instance) memory usage in GS-Base and it’s calculated as follows:
    the max. number of records * 4 bytes.
    For example, the previous version 14.7, with its fixed 12 M record limit, allocates 50MB after any database is opened. If your databases contain some small numbers of records, you can select a lower record limit to decrease that memory usage.
    This value doesn’t affect the file format itself and doesn’t prevent existing databases from expanding after that limit is increased.
  • Fixed issue concerning very slow formatting (especially re: font changes) in very large files.
  • Significantly increased speed of all formatting and many editing actions.
  • GS-Base now displays warnings if the imported/opened files contain too many rows, columns or if some cells (in imported text files) contained more than 8K characters.
  • Bug fixes.

11 March - 14.8.1 Update

  • Fixed bug: the “Edit > Convert Field Data > Text To Standard Date Strings” command and the “dateValue()” function used a fixed US month-day order in dates instead of the current system order.
  • The “Open Text File” dialog box has a new option/check box: “Convert text to dates”. By default this option is turned off.
    Note: Use this option with caution as selecting it may significantly slow down opening large text files. It’s recommended that you used the “Edit > Convert Field Data > Text To Standard Date Strings” command for a given field(s) after the file is opened.

19 March - 14.8.3 Update

  • The day(), hour(), minute() and second() functions can now also accept standard date/time period strings (e.g. as returned by the dateDiff() function) returning the corresponding numeric value. For example:
    =day(“2005-02-09”) returns 9,
    =day(“PD350T20M”) returns 350,
    =hour(“12:59:11”) returns 12,
    =hour(“PT21H13M”) returns 21,
    =minute(“12:59:11”) returns 59,
    =minute(“PT21H13M”) returns 13.
  • Fixed issue with the dateDiff() function: it rounded the returned date/time period to full hours, discarding minutes and seconds.
  • Significantly increased speed of the date parsing procedures (used by the “Open Text File > Convert text to dates” option and by the “Edit > Convert Field Data > Dates To Standard Date String” command).
  • The “Creating new databases” help section contains now more information about handling/using date/time fields correctly.
  • The “Opening and saving text files” help section contains now more information about opening text files correctly.

24 March - 14.8.4 Update

  • Improved/added support for the “hyper-fast” scrolling function of the mouse wheel.
  • A new option to change the mouse wheel scrolling from line scrolling to page scrolling.

20 April - 14.8.6 Update

  • The “Print > Form” tab now contains the “Continuous printing” option. When selected, when using forms this option causes printing subsequent forms up to the bottom of the page. If that check box is cleared, each record/form starts on a new page.
  • When printing forms, an empty memo/object field no longer generates an empty page. Instead, that page is skipped.
  • The help file contains more information about the .zip/.gsb GS-Base database file extensions and about registering the *.gsb file type using the “Run as administrator” Windows command.