GS-Base 13.1 has been released

New features, changes and bug fixes:

  • The new 64-bit release is no longer limited by the 32-bit 4GB boundary.
  • Images/Files and LongText fields can now be displayed (additionally) directly within the table and forms. To turn this on/off, use the “Settings > Options > Editing > Table/Form view pane > Display LongText & Files field contents” option. You can specify the thumbnail size and optional information (names, sizes, modification dates).
    If this option is unchecked, the fields will be displaying plain labels containing the number of files, the total size and the last modification date/time. (If the Images/Files field contains some shortcuts to external files, only the number of files is displayed as the label.)
  • A new “Settings > Options > Editing > Table/Form view pane > Edit LongText/Files fields in new windows” option.
    If this option is unchecked, trying to edit (e.g. by pressing Enter, double-clicking or pressing any character/number key) a LongText or Images/Files field will cause opening the LongText or Images/Files view pane to enable users to view/edit the field contents.
    If this option is checked, trying to edit a LongText or Images/Files field will cause launching an application associated with a given file type. Choosing the “Save” command in that application will automatically update the data in GS-Base.
    Depending on how that edit action is initiated, the following additional functionality is supported:
  • pressing a digit key opens either the text or the n-th (1…9) object for editing,
  • pressing a letter key prints either the text or the n-th (a…z) object.
  • Images/Files and LongText fields are now sorted by the total size of the field contents.
    Note: Objects inserted as links (shortcuts) to external files (with the “Insert Shortcut to…” command) will be sorted by size if they were inserted in GS-Base ver. 12.1.3 or later. Unless re-inserted, all links from previous versions will be treated as 1-byte objects.
  • You can now specify the thumbnail size (separately for both images displayed in tables/forms and for date displayed in the Images/Files field pane).
  • The language/code page settings in the “Advanced PDF Options” dialog box no longer has to be connected with the current Windows system language/code page. The most recent selection from that dialog box will be used. This should make it much easier to save PDF files correctly constructing all the glyphs for non-US languages/names. Also, the sample custom character encoding list in the help file was expanded/corrected to cover all Windows-1250 characters.
  • The “Find All” command from the “Find & Replace” toolbar now searches not only textual/numeric fields but also LongText and Images/Files fields. Those two field types are always searched using Regular Expressions. (For inserted files, GS-Base compares the specified RegEx pattern with the file names.)
  • The standard filtering function applied to LongText and Images/Files fields now always uses Regular Expressions, similarly to filtering text and numeric fields and searches both the actual text from LongText fields and file names for Images/Files fields.
  • More character encoding options have been added to the “Open Text File” dialog box to improve the non-UTF text file conversion between various Windows language versions.
  • Drop-down lists can use data directly from database fields.
  • If a given field has some drop-down list attached, the corresponding column header is displayed with a marker (the same way as in GS-Calc).

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed possible problems when deleting records: if you sort records, then scroll to the bottom, then select a range of records that covers both some existing records and the empty area beyond the end of the table and use the “Remove Records Ctrl+D” command, either some additional records will be deleted or GS-Base will become slow due to erroneous filling the remaining table up to 12mln rows with empty records.
  • Fixed bug concerning incorrect encoding of non-ascii characters in PDF files. This bug appeared after switching from the older Ansi to the Unicode application type.
  • In GS-Base 12.x (as opposed to the earlier versions) the field trailing spaces were not removed when opening xBase files.
  • If a user specifies an incorrect option for the character encoding when opening/importing a text (or xBase) file, GS-Base didn’t display any warning if some invalid UTF-8 (non-ascii) sequences were found. This could lead to not finding fields with such sequences when filtering records or using the Find & Replace functions, displaying some specific RegEx messages or - in some rare cases - to crashes when using the Find & Replace function. Currently GS-Base displays a respective warning and shows where the invalid code is (in the imported text file data).
  • Fixed possible problem with some character encoding variants for memo xBase fields.
  • For extremely large files, GS-Base 12.x may “react” very slowly when editing fields. The ver. 13 should be several times faster.
  • In GS-Base 12.x the Find & Replace function could be extremely slow on some computers for very large data sets (e.g. +0.5mln records). In GS-Base 13 this should be tens of times faster.