GS-Base 12 has been released

New features, changes and bug fixes:

  • GS-Base can already display/edit all Unicode characters supported by Windows. All non-ascii characters will now look the same in every Windows language versions. The available methods of entering Unicode characters have been described in the “Entering Unicode characters” help topic.

  • Spell checking available for all fields in Windows 8/8.1. Spell checking can be turned off for individual fields in the “Field Setup” dialog.

  • The maximum length of the “Text” field is now ~8K (8169 bytes).

  • Optional UTF-8 for xBase text fields.

  • A list of recent files attached to the “Open File” button. A new database can be opened without (explicit) closing the current one.

  • Changes in the “View” menu and in several dialog boxes.

  • Changes in various other GUI elements (e.g. themed borders, optional excluding inactive fonts in formatting dialog boxes, tooltips for binary fields).

  • New sort options in the “Sort Records” dialog box. They are now re-used automatically by the “quick” sort toolbar button commands. They are defined individually for each table and saved to the database file.

  • Help improvements.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed problem with the “Unicode rtf” format used with the “Edit in External Application” commands for “Long Text” fields and for the “letter” printing mode. This format is not widely supported and GS-Base switched back to the generic rtf format.

  • Fixed problem with displaying sample UTF-16 data in the “Open File” dialog box.

24 February - 1 April - GS-Base 12.0.1 to 12.1.5 Updates

The updates includes the following new features and bugs fixes:

  • Two new options in the “Search” dialog box: “Allow empty matches” and “Match case”. They apply to the “RegEx” filter mode. The “Allow (…)” options enables you e.g. to search for empty field values (\A\z) or empty lines within multi-line text (^$). It’s also available for the “Find & Replace” toolbar for full text searches and thus enables you e.g. to find all empty cells within a table with just one click.

  • The “Pattern” term in the “Search” dialog box was replaced by the “Starts with” term. (However, it’s strongly suggested that you use the RegEx mode instead as it’s by far more flexible. The filter conversion is simple, for example:
    “abc” → “\Aabc” or “^abc” .)

  • Resizing a column with the “text wrapping” style “on” automatically resizes the row widths.

  • The context menu of the opening list of “recently used” files now contains an additional command/option: “Cycle RU List Ring”. If it’s unchecked, clicking/selecting files doesn’t move them to the top of the list. By default the option is “on”.

  • The following additional “File Type” filters (used in the “File Open/Save” dialog boxes) are now preserved between sessions:
    the file type of the recently opened database file,
    the file type of the recently opened variant of the xBase file (in the “Specify xBase File Variant” dialog box),
    the file type of the recently opened image file,
    the file type of the recently saved image file,
    the file type of the recently saved pivot table file.

  • The “Specify xBase File Variant” dialog box (displayed after clicking a *.dbf file on the RU file list) was previously intended for choosing the file type only but users could also accidentally change the file path itself, which, in turn, could lead to the xBase variant/file mismatch. At the moment changing the the file path is already a fully valid action.

  • A number of various bug fixes. (For details, please see your notification e-mails. If you’re not receiving them, please update your contact information.)