GS-Base 11 has been released

GS-Base was released today and is available for downloading. New features include:

[+] Editing letter forms, memo fields and objects in external applications with automatic saving.

[+] Exporting databases to XML files.

[+] Increased maximum memory usage up to 4GB in 64bit systems (which is the maximum value for a 32bit application; previously 2GB).

[+] Displaying open/save progress dialog boxes for all available file formats both when saving recordsets and full databases.

[+] Support for UTF-16 Unicode text files (when importing/exporting recordsets, when loading data from tables manually created/edited and inserted into the database zips by users etc.)

[+] Increased number of record flags (up to 10). New interface functions and menus for record flags handling.

[+] New memo fields and letter form RTF control/editor with much greater editing/displaying capabilities. Storing graphics in memo fields and in letter forms.

[+] Suppressed screen flickering when resizing binary fields.

[+] Displaying images inserted as links.

[+] Icons available as a separate image file type category when using the “Insert Image” command. Displaying actual icons (not placeholders).

[+] Recordsets saved in the native file format (.zip/.gsb) contain only the current single table. (Previously: the current, filtered table + all other tables).

[+] Fixed various issues and removed various time traps in the “Database > Merge/Un-merge” function (especially for very large files). Handling binary fields by the “Merge/Un-merge” function.

[+] Displaying the total number of records along with the number of filtered/found records (on the bottom general toolbar).

[+] Changed layout of some menus and shortcuts: grouped searching functions, the “Remove All Filters” command replaced by the “Reset Searching” command.

[+] Treating the “Regular Expression” filter as the default one for text fields. The default filter can be changed in the “Options” dialog box.

[+] Loading/saving memo field contents directly from/to files via the context menu.

[+] Saving recordsets don’t change the current database / file path. (The “Save Database Copy As” command does.)

[+] PDF export functions integrated with the “Save Recordset” and “Save Database Copy” commands.

[+] Possible conversion of “Long Text” fields to “Images/Files” field and back.

[+] The default pattern in the (database) “Open” dialog box causes displaying all (new and old versions) *.gsb and .zip files, no matter which default file extension was selected in the “Options” dialog box. The "GS-Base 6.x-7.x (.gsb)" category was removed - the files are recognized automatically.

[+] Improved/fixed storing of files with names containing non-ascii characters. (Previously the file names might not be displayed correctly when exploring/browsing the database zip files outside GS-Base, e.g. in Windows Explorer.)

[+] Bug fixes and other minor display and editing improvements.

If you have any questions or comments regarding this version or any suggestions regarding future updates, please feel free
to contact Citadel5.