GCalc with copy + past columns of dates ok within itself but messes up pasting into GBase- the 1st dat is ioften repeated twice + the last date omitted.
Ad. 2)
Please select the “Save date/time serial numbers as date/time strings” option
in GS-Calc when exporting that text file to GS-Base.
If the date format in GS-Calc was not generic, use the “Edit > Convert > Text To Standard Date/Time Strings” command in GS-Base for that field.
GS-Base uses dates in the text form. A “date” field in GS-Base is a text field
containing date (or/and time) strings in the generic w3.org format (e.g. yyyy-mm-dd).
Of course, typically you apply to such a field one of the available date/time styles
to enter and display dates in a given (system or custom) format, nevertheless when
importing/saving/exporting the generic format is used.
GS-Calc can/convert use both forms.
Ad. 1)
Yes, it’s a bug. Thanks for reporting it. This may occur if you copy those blocks
of dates in the table view within already existing records and the target field/column
is sorted. If this happens, the source block will be pasted correctly within any
sequence of records for which sorting didn’t change their default “precedence”/order, then
pasting will restart for other records.
Please download the updated and corrected version.